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Thursday, January 28, 2016

It's about doing what is Right....Not about the tip!

It's about doing what is Right....Not about the tip! 

Here is a story I came across that is about going the extra mile.  Sometimes people in the service industry forget, it is about doing what is's not about the tip.  This Pizza delivery driver got it right!

(I’m delivering a pizza. An elderly woman answers the door. She opens the door part way, and it catches on one of her crutches. She struggles a little and manages to maneuver herself to get the door open. I see a cast on one ankle.)
Customer: “I’m sorry. I broke my ankle yesterday, and I’m still learning how to get around on these things.”
(She doesn’t appear to be in pain, or anything. Just obviously unfamiliar with the crutches.)
Me: “Aww, that’s too bad. Hopefully a pizza will help. That’ll be [price].”
(She starts fumbling with her purse while trying to balance on the crutches. Pretty quickly she is able to get to her cash. I give her the change. At this point, I can see her trying to figure out how she’s going to carry the pizza with her crutches.)
Me: “Would you like me to bring the pizza in for you?”
Customer: *immediate look of relief* “Could you just put it right here on the coffee table for me?”
Me: “No problem.”
Customer: “That’s very nice of you.”
(The table is just a few steps inside the house. I set the pizza down and turn to go.)
Customer: “Hold on a moment. Please, let me give you a tip.”
(She reaches into her change purse and pulls out a single quarter and hands it to me. I can tell that she doesn’t tip very often, and that she sincerely thinks that the tip she’s giving me is a pretty big deal.)
Me: “Thank you. I appreciate it.”
(I could tell that she meant well, so I smiled and accepted the token in the spirit that she intended.)

Here is the reference to the full story

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