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Thursday, January 28, 2016

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. - Newton's 3rd Law

While Newton's third law may have been intended for physics, it certainly also applies to business as well.  At it's extreme's, customer interactions with a business has potential for polar reactions.

If I were to ask you to think about some of your worst experiences with a business, I am sure that, very quickly, you could recall some horror stories.  These interactions are with people which represent the company and the brand.   You may not recall the name of the person that you had the horrible interaction with but I am sure you recall the name of the business they represented. 

If I were to ask you to recall some of the most amazing experiences that you have had with a business, I would be willing to bet that this would be a much harder task for you.  Amazing customer interactions are sadly happening far less frequently.  

The goal of this blog is to bring attention to those horrible interactions but much more importantly to sing the praises of those businesses that go the extra mile to DELIGHT the customer.  Not to satisfy the customer but to truly DELIGHT them.  

Customer DELIGHT is surprising a customer by exceeding his or her expectation.  It is a mindset of a organization that if they have fallen short of delighting a customer, then they have to go above and beyond fixing the issue, which will only appease them, and risk losing them forever as a customer and as an advocate of the brand.  They believe they must do something to DELIGHT THEM!  They go a step or two or three beyond what the customer expects them to do.      

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