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Monday, February 1, 2016

Customer Attacks Clerk for Not Smiling Enough

While it is always polite to smile and is always a good thing to do during interactions with customers, apparently failing to smile can prompt some customers to start a physical altercation with you!

54-year-old customer walked into a convenience store for some late-night snacks around dawn on Sunday. The convenience store clerk completed the transaction in a professional manner and handed over the bag, but apparently he was not cheery enough for customer’s liking. The customer left, but then came back moments later and started calling for the clerk from outside the store, demanding that he come out and apologize for being surly and give him the smile he was owed.
The clerk went outside to confront him, and it escalated into an actual fight!
Bottom line, failing to friendly may not only cost you a sell, but apparently you might even get a butt kicking! 

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