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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Family Dollar store employee attacks local couple

OK, Family Dollar, just a little pointer, having a employee call a customer the "N" word and then attacking them isn't Delighting your customers.  Even the manager had an opportunity to handle the situation but failed to.

 No one will remember the employee attacked a customer, they will only tell others "Did you here about how racist and violent they are at Family Dollar? "

KILLEEN (January 27, 2016) Police are investigating after a local man and his wife say they were attacked by the clerk at the register at a Family Dollar store in Killeen while they were checking out.
Robionna Whittingham and her husband say the attack happened Saturday at the store in the 3300 block of East Rancier Avenue in Killeen, where they stopped to pick up a few items.
They were standing in a checkout lane behind an older woman, toward whom, they say, the male clerk was being verbally abusive, she said.
"(The cashier) was cursing and saying the “N” word and all that and he was saying that in front of the old lady at the register, then the customer asked for the manger and (the manager) wouldn't even help her,” Whittingham said.
Whittingham said she told the cashier to stop using such language around the elderly customer.
"I said, ‘Your customer service sucks. You are supposed to put the customer first at all times and you think it’s okay to talk like that,’” Whittingham said.
She said the cashier then turned and started cursing at her.
"Then my husband told him, ‘Don't talk to my wife like that and he was like I don't give an ‘F” about your wife," Whittingham said.
"The suspect, the cashier, then left the store and then came back in and there turned out to be a physical altercation,” Killeen police spokeswoman Carroll Smith said.
Outside the store, Whittingham said both she and her husband were assaulted.
"He turns around and punches me in my face. I fall to the ground. I’m bleeding and my ear is ripped open and the assistant manager is just standing there not helping, not telling him to stop, not calling police, nothing,” Whittingham said.
Her husband, who asked not to be identified, was also injured.
Whittingham said both she and her husband had to go to the emergency room for the injuries they received.
The cashier ran after the attack, police say.
A warrant has been issued for his arrest.
Whittingham said she called the Family Dollar district manager, submitted a formal complaint and then was contacted by Family Dollar’s corporate office.
Bryn Winburn, the chain’s public and media relations manager, issued a statement Wednesday in which he said “the person allegedly involved in this incident is no longer employed by Family Dollar.”
Police say the man apparently quit his job at some point during the altercation Saturday, although Whittingham said she and her husband never heard or saw him do anything that led them to think he was no longer employed.
“Which one is it, did he quit or did he get fired? As far as I am concerned, he was still working there when he put his hands on my husband and I,” Whittingham said.
Whittingham and her husband are considering taking action against the suspect and the store.

Read the full article here...
Family Dollar store employee attacks local couple

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